Catholic Charities Annual Fall Giving Campaign 2018

Welcome to our 2018 Annual Fall Giving Campaign titled Unity brings Hope”.   This fundraising campaign is our most significant fundraising effort each year and launches each fall when we reach out to our most loyal supporters and ask them for a special year-end contribution.

Last year, Catholic Charities provided vitally necessary social services to over 15,000 struggling households with nowhere else to turn for help. YOUR heart of generosity has been a light of hope in the midst of despair for each of those families.  But we can and must do more…

I urge you to please consider a special, year-end contribution during our campaign. View the brief videos featured below and see individuals we recently helped and hear in their own words how their lives have been impacted by the generous support and kindness of others – like you!

We are honored by your support of Catholic Charities throughout the year, and I thank you most gratefully. The resources you share with us make it possible for us to share those resources with others – those in desperate need of our compassion and care. It is your generosity that Provides Help, Creates Hope for those in our communities that need us most.

Peace and Blessings,

Ken F. Sawa, MSW, LCSW
CEO/Executive Vice President

Catholic Charities: Unity brings Hope

“I think the hardest thing for us as Catholic Charities

Employees is to have to say I’m really sorry, but we don’t

have what you need. The need definitely outweighs the

resources available. We desperately need the personal

donations of individuals who want to walk with us in

partnership to make a difference.”


“The way that I see life is I would never have

gotten to where I made it if it wouldn’t have been

for Catholic Charities because I know that there’s

a lot of people out there who can say that I made

a difference. And I know that I made a difference

because of Catholic Charities.”


“If Catholic Charities was not here, I would still

be living in my car. I’m stronger and more sufficient

to where I can get around a little better from what

I used to do, to now go out there and seek employment.

I don’t know what else I would do… I always have hope

with Catholic Charities because I know they’re a good

organization and they reach out to people that need

help. It’s a good thing.”


“El impacto que ha tenido la ayuda de Caridades

Católicas en mi vida ha sido muy grande porque me

ha ayudado a levantarme del abujeron donde estaba

porque estaba al punto de irme a la calle con mis hijos.

Porque así, cuando yo esté arriba, yo voy a ser una donante.

Sé que mi dinero no se va ir a cualquier lugar. Sé que mi

dinero se va ir al lugar donde debe de ir…a la comunidad.


“When they can come in and see organizations like

Catholic Charities and Time for Change Foundation

working together and working together in unity for them

to support them and get them back on their feet, it gives

them hope to know that not everything in their life that’s

going on is going to stay the way that it is – but there’s

hope for the future. There’s hope to overcome. There’s

hope to get out of it and grow from it. To get back on

their feet and to be able to be self-sufficient.

Higher Education Student Investment Initiatives

“I really like how united all of the social workers were

in the way that we saw what Catholic Charities did and

how Catholic Charities serves the community. It brought

us to why we became social workers in the first place.

If I had not been a part of the social work fellowship

program, I don’t think would have taken the full grasp

of what our needs are in our community of San Bernardino.